Friday, December 2, 2011

Who I Am

A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell. ~ C.S. Lewis

I've been seeing this quote (which I've posted on here before) popping up everywhere.  I didn't think it was coincidence, as it really speaks to me in a unique way.

There is the obvious meaning of the quote, which refers to atheists.  But there's something else there, too. As Christians, we often live as practical atheists.  While we believe that God exists, we live like he doesn't. This practical atheism really is at the root of all sins.  If we really had a conception of God literally watching us every moment of every day, we would behave much, much differently.  Practical atheism is a very dangerous concept, because acting it out means that we miss so much of God's presence in our lives.

I struggle with this.  There are times I want God there, and times I don't.  The truth is we can't have one or the other.  God is always there, and all we do is injure our own souls when we live like He isn't.

Simply put, that is what this new set of lyrics is about.

Who I Am
I've closed my eyes
Tried to believe the light was not there
I've cried at night
Hoping and praying you could hear

It's such a paradox
I'm at odds with myself
Wanting you to be
But not wanting you to see
Who I am

It's always bright
Even when I write darkness on the walls
I cannot fight
Cause your whispers echo through these halls

Time is a killer
And my doubt is the knife
Doubts that you'll see me
Doubts that you need me
Doubts that you'll fix who I am

But in this moment I see
I live inconsistently
Because you always know
Who I am
And you can redefine
Who I am